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OT Fitness 2013 - 2014 Services & Programs

Wow!!  What a year.  The 2012-13 school year was packed with new challenges but we overcame them and worked through the teachers strike to end the year strongly by offering a record number of fun-filled activities for the schools incorporating PLC / TPLC student coverage and outdoor sports days.  During the year we succeed in saving over 50 schools from the TDSB and Peel District School Boards between $500 and $2000 per school through our innovative student coverage solutions of PLC / PTLC / PD Student Supervision Programs which benefits students and staff alike.
Our popular team competition series wasn’t available last year but this coming school year, we are planning to offer 6 team competitions for both the Junior and Intermediate grades; culminating with the Ontario Championship Finals for Intermediate grades.  The 2012 intermediate team champions Terry Fox (Scarborough) are the reigning Ontario Team Champions.

Getting kids to play (PLC Student Coverage)

 Over the past 2 weeks of October, OT Fitness was delivered PLC Student coverage to several of TDSB Schools to engage their student in fun physical fitness whilst the teachers were attending teachers workshops:

The weather was fantastic for outdoor sports day. Fun and fitness was had by all, Activities included: Track and Field, Boot Camp, Soccer Skills.

Maple Leaf P.S. Grade 1-3= 239 students
Alexander Graham Bell (Ajax) Kinders =90  / Grades 1-8=503 students
Wexford P.S. Kinders =89 / Grade 1-8=290 students
Oriole Park P.S. Kinders=94 / Grades 1-6=174 students
Firgrove P.S. Kinders=112 / Grades 1-6=326 students
Hunters Glen P.S. Kinders=73/ Grades 1-6=275 students
Grey Owl P.S. Kinders=69 / Grades 1-6=221 students
Emily Carr P.S. Grades 1-8=310 students
Brookside P.S. Kinders 100 / Grades 1-8=595 students

OT Fitness prides itself in getting every student running jumping and throwing

The 2 weeks total of kids at play= 3560



In 2012-2013 school year we introduced our Lunch and Afterschool programs:
Gulfstream – Innovate Boys to Men “with added privileges comes added responsibilities”. After school Teachers Zumba / Boot camp
Derrydown:  Superstar Lunch Program for grades 1-2-3

The benefits of OT Fitness programs:

  • inclusive and adaptable for JK-Gr 8 students.
  • suitable for indoors / outdoors (Agility Challenge or Sports days)
  • fun activities that encourage student leadership and mentoring
  • Able to assist or train basic physical motor skills that are integral to other sports (jumping, throwing, balancing, running, upper and lower body strength, agility, power, coordination, etc.
  • Stress free for you, we provide and set up portable equipment
  • Flexibility in handling your space, timetabling, and supervision needs

For a complete description of services visit our services page or contact our office for further details